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Pakistan Floods and COP 27 with Asad Rehman

URL : https://www.gndmedia.co.uk/podcast-episodes/pakistan-floods-and-cop-27-with-asad-rehman

Featuring : [[Asad Rehman]]

[[2022 Pakistan floods]] and [[COP 27]]

  • ~00:04:02 Relative vulberabity of global north and global south
  • ~00:08:45 Majority of Pakistan’s taxes go on debt repayment ([[Global debt peonage]])
  • ~00:20:27 Why are countries poor? [[Walter Rodney]].
  • ~00:23:49 Global south develops global north.
  • ~00:27:28 Humanitarian aid but no [[loss and damage]]
  • ~00:33:21 Climate denialism is not anymore of climate change but of mitigation

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